Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebook, Live Journal, Flikr...

I really don't know how in the world I get into some situations on the net.

I just get to browsing around and chatting with friends.

Someone says, "check this might have to sign up to view."

The next thing you know I've got Flikr subs for knit/crochet pattern pool and Maine Pics, a Live Journal account and now Facebook!

All pretty interesting places.

The Flikr groups are easy to work with, just sub to the feeds.

Live Journal has a journal page which I don't even use but I go to the forums that interest me.

Facebook has connections to friends from everywhere!

I already had a Blogspot blog, wordpress isn't as easy to use.

I use Google for practically everything from reading feeds, gmail, docs, picassa pics, calendar, contacts, group subs....great online services for portability.

Picassa and Google Earth are great add-on apps.

Ravelry is my main hang-out. If you have any interest in knit, crochet, fibre, thread, yarn, friends with similar interest in the stuff you like to make then Ravelry's got it!

Well, no wonder I'm dazed and confused most of the time! That's why I just hide out in the Maine Woods. Peace and quiet, what more could a homebody/eclectic hermit like me ask for?

Spend most of my free time working with vintage/antique stuff and making toys and clothing for grand-kids. Quick easy stuff to work up.

I'm going for a shower and cup of tea.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I am not as far along as you are internet wise. Dazed and confused, that says it all.
