Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rambling around with internet technology

I've been so busy with helping to care for my dad that my thoughts have been so scattered.

I've actually made 2 hats, 1 baby sweater, 2 doilies and got an afghan started that's 2/3 finished.

I've added my ravelry project bars to my blog.
I've added a technorati account.
I've found friends on facebook.
I've opened a Mindmap account at XMind.
Now I'm trying out Primal Fusion for integrating thinking and web searching.

So here are some links I've been messing around with:

Ravelry Progress Bars
Ravelry users can follow this thread for adding blog widgets.
I haven't updated my projects though.

Primal Fusion Crochet Doilies and Threadwork

Technorati is for claiming and registering your blog.

XMind is helping me work out some personal info.

At facebook I'm mostly trying to figure out the apps and general layout for the place. It's one of those places that I just search around and find interesting people and things I like to explore.

I've been able to find some of my family, old co-workers, old friends and some of my newer ones too.

So, I've really been scattered but I'm actually trying to connect everything together; my personal life, my hobbies, browsing easier, and making social connections at facebook.

I went to school with a friend named Seth that is really a whiz with technology and brainstorming ideas. It's nice to know that someone from my hometown has achieved a Doctorate. A pretty interesting guy. (Although he doesn't even know how to knit or crochet!)

My dad...a heavy sadness, to see his life energy dimming is a very sad thing. There will be peace for him though. I have a strong faith in God and believe there is peace and harmony in the hereafter. I will miss him dearly. Prayers

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the crochet link. I have to spend some time there and check everything out. Congrats on figuring out how to use all the technology and keeping in contact with old friends.
